Looking at the other side

A blog full of contrarian views

Sabrás que no te amo y que te amo puesto que de dos modos es la vida, la palabra es un ala del silencio, el fuego tiene una mitad de frío.

Yo te amo para comenzar a amarte, para recomenzar el infinito y para no dejar de amarte nunca: por eso no te amo todavía.

Te amo y no te amo como si tuviera en mis manos las llaves de la dicha y un incierto destino desdichado.

Mi amor tiene dos vidas para amarte. Por eso te amo cuando no te amo y por eso te amo cuando te amo.


Tags: #Spanish #Poetry

Long the trip, dark the road. Alone.

Cold night, rains outside. Doubt no more.

Timeless time, Spaceless space. This is it.


Poetry is impossible to translate. That's probably true for anything, but particularly relevant in poetry.

Layers of meaning are lost in translation. And in good poetry, subtleness is everything.

#Random #Poetry


Two brothers, two guitars, two distinct identities, who become one soul when they compose music. Stephan and Alejandro, are the Hermanos Gutierrez, an instrumental music band with an unmistakable genre that is rooted in Western and Latin American sound. Born from an Ecuadorian mother and a Swiss father they grew up being forged by both cultures, bridging between two worlds, both of which are home. [Source]


xkcd:Mystery Asterisk Destination source

What a relief!

Now we need someone to build a destination for all the broken links on the Internet.

And a warm home for all the broken hearts in the world.


A weak man gets destroyed by two things: money and fame. After those things he becames blind.

I don't remember who said it.

Similarly, this:

“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain

Both true, I think.


There are many reasons, but the most important is: I have a weak spot for humans.

I want a future with more human-to-human and less technology-mediated interactions. It is a matter of taste, I guess.

Besides, from what I've heard from colleagues and friends, the thing is not that smart as people say. That, or I have superbly smart colleagues and friends, that's also possible.


Change is a beautiful bitch.

Can't be neither stopped nor manipulated at will. “Free will”, some days I doubt that's real.


I'm still mulling over what she said that day: “we are in the now, but not in the here”. Then, added: “and that's a good thing”

Sometimes she talks in mysterious ways. She is definitely a mystery to me, that's part of her charm.

She can transform blue into pink.


#Software #Technology

Amazon.nl Android App

The image is the Amazon App. It kept showing that error each time I wanted to complete my order earlier today.