Looking at the other side

A blog full of contrarian views

My father shared some (photos of) family photos today.

I have mixed feelings about it.

These pics capture extended family gatherings, meaning, many people. I remember being there as a child. It was end of 90's, beginning of 00's.

Some family members on those pictures are gone.

I feel sad for the people, and for the days, that will never come back.

#Daily #Life

I have done morning stretching for the last few days, focusing on the stiffest muscles.

I'm not overdoing it, and still, I experience mild soreness.

There are two ways to look at it:

1) My mobility range is, clearly, suboptimal. 2) The mild soreness means I'm doing the work.

So, looking at the current state is a bit depressing; thinking about the long term if I keep stretching consistently is hopeful.


CJ Eller is one of those writers I hope eventually goes back to blogging. His writing is succinct and thoughtful. Often times he makes me wonder about questions I've never thought before.


The format of these daily post is quite useful for me. I have no requirements other than publishing something every day. It might be as short as a single paragraph or even a sentence. Sometimes I start typing and end up with many unplanned words.


My skull is getting full. Past and future, only woes. Lonely bastard, who's to blame? Suck it up, and try again.

#Daily #Poetry

Estoy retomando el libro «El árbol de la ciencia» de Pío Baroja, una novela autobiográfica. La historia empieza con el ingreso de Andrés a la Facultad de Medicina en Madrid y ofrece una ventana a una España del siglo XX a través de los ojos de este peculiar personaje.

Nunca antes me había interesado por este género literario. Pero ahora, la idea de hablar de uno mismo en tercera persona, mezclando elementos de ficción y realidad, me parece bastante coqueta (jajaja).

¿Cómo hizo el autor para decidir que partes de su historia reemplazar con ficción? No lo sé, eso será siempre un misterio.

#Daily #Spanish

I woke up 30 minutes before the alarm clock went off, but got up an hour after.


Mild. For a week or so.

This is not unusual, it has occasionally happened to me for the last 3 years or so.

I haven't gone to the MD because I know what he is going to say (let it pass, it is normal) and what kind of investigative work he will do (none).

I am almost certain this has to do with my ears, since our body's equilibrium sensors are in our ears.

As a child, I suffered from repetitive ear infections. Basically, each time I went to swim, I had ear issues. My parents had to stop taking me to the swimming pool at some point. The MD's were basically clueless about the root cause, so the easy solution was to stop swimming.

This mild dizziness correlates with periods of high stress. I know, correlation does not imply causation, but it is a consistent data point.

Anyway. I'm not worried—for now—I think it will pass, in due time.


When you are not able to talk for an unknown the reason and nobody around seem to believe that's true.

The silence is uncomfortable for everyone except yourself.


There is a mirror in my bedroom. It is one of those vertical mirrors used to check how you look, from top to bottom.