Looking at the other side


If we live in the Matrix, then, Byung-Chul Han is definitely Morpheus.

Byung-Chul Han


Just saying. ¯\(ツ)


Poetry is impossible to translate. That's probably true for anything, but particularly relevant in poetry.

Layers of meaning are lost in translation. And in good poetry, subtleness is everything.

#Random #Poetry

Tags: #Log #Life #Random

There are a bunch of half-baked draft posts that I don't feel like finishing any more. I won't delete them, though, there is always a possibility for the future.

Since I'm kinda posting every day. I was wondering what to write about in a blue day as today.


Tags: #Random #Hack

I realized just now there is a soccer world cup being played somewhere because someone asked me whether I support Mexico or The Netherlands.


Tags: #Random #Society

I was having lunch at the office a few months ago. On that occasion, a lady from marketing sitting in front of me on the kitchen table started talking about how much she loved Mexican telenovelas (English: soap operas).


Tags: #Random

Happening last night.

Went to bed at 23:00h. Woke up at 1:30h. Couldn't sleep for a while.

Reading happened. Some re-reading too.

Manage to fall asleep at 3:00h, woke up at 3:20h after having a nasty (and recurrent) dream. Bah!

More reading happened. More re-reading too.

Sleeping again at ~4:20h. Another nasty dream woke me up half an hour later. Less nasty than the previous one (and also a well-known one).

Again, falling to sleep right before my alarm went off. Slept in 30 minutes or so.

I don't feel sleepy, though. Maybe this delicious coffee helps.

□ The End.

I am seriously considering to start practising Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) in the Spring next year. I found a good school relatively close by.

Daily schedule need to be re-adjusted. It won't be cheap, and life will get substantially more expensive for me next year—beyond inflation, but that also contributes.

Though, I first need to figure out what to do with my sore knees —a long-standing issue. I can get used to a mild pain, the problem is that when I part take in intense physical activities, even walking is painful.

Still, I think I'm going to—at least—try it.

Tags: #Random #Life

Tags: #Random #Productivity

There are days when I listen to quiet and calming music at work, no lyrics; headphones on, noise-cancelling enabled, moderate volume. It helps with concentration, especially when working at the office.


There are situations which require action, others require patience—waiting patiently as you observe things unfold.

Knowing when to act and when to wait is one of the most difficult life skills.

Acting when a situation requires patience is a mistake. So it is to keep patiently waiting when action is needed.

If you overthink it, you are stuck forever. If you act mindlessly—or prematurely—you might end up in the wrong place.

When you look back at your life, often the biggest mistakes taught you the greatest lessons. Should we still call them mistakes?

Therefore, if you go about your life learning the lesson from every mistake you make, shall we avoid calling those mistakes, and say life lessons instead?

#Random #Life

I've seen many abhorrently absurd ads on YouTube, but the worst, by far, comes from one where a lady claims you can start a successful online business selling ebooks on Amazon without having to write a single line.