Looking at the other side


La llorona es una de esas canciones que se clavan en el corazón. Si creciste en México, has escuchado esta canción chingos de veces en varias versiones.


“Yo sé que tú lo dudas, que yo te quiera tanto, si quieres me abro el pecho, y te doy el corazón”


This concert seems adequate for a morning like today, what a lovely voice.

#Video #Music


Two brothers, two guitars, two distinct identities, who become one soul when they compose music. Stephan and Alejandro, are the Hermanos Gutierrez, an instrumental music band with an unmistakable genre that is rooted in Western and Latin American sound. Born from an Ecuadorian mother and a Swiss father they grew up being forged by both cultures, bridging between two worlds, both of which are home. [Source]


Tags: #Personal #Love #Music

The kind of music I like is loaded with feelings. I have no idea about the canonical taxonomy in music. For me, there are only two categories, either the musician feel the world or think the world. I prefer the former, simply because I am the same (or I believe I am, not completely sure).


Tags: #Personal #Music

I used to play the (classical and electric) guitar when I was young(er?).


So, they say you need long nails if you don't plan to use a guitar pick.

They also say that if you anchor the pinkie finger of your right hand in the body of the guitar, you limit the range of movement greatly and won't be able to play complex riffs.

Well, Mark Knopfler plays without a guitar pick, keep his nails short and anchors not one, but two fingers.

And he plays one of the greatest guitar riffs of all time (one that people think they play correctly, but, as Paul Davids explains, most of them do it wrong).

Finding your own way is always the right way of doing it.


During my sick day and as part of the time indulgently spent on YouTube, I came across this Einaudi tiny desk concert.

Einaudi is one of my favourite musicians, someone who, beyond his professional achievements, seems to be a genuine and humble human being. And these NPR's tiny desk concerts are intimate, simple, and raw. A bunch of musicians with few spectators. No over-digitalized, over-produced sounds, just a raw, acoustic experience. A beautiful dialogue between the musicians, and between them and the public, and between both and me; an experience transcending time and space.
