Looking at the other side


The topics on this blog are all over the place, and that's on purpose.

Everything I write here is personal. Often, I share random and seemingly irrelevant events of my day. Occasionally, I write about more generic and apparently impersonal topics. In the end, all the posts are close to my heart as it is either what's happening in my life or about my current interests.

The about page says nothing about me. I've tried to put something there in the past, but it quickly gets outdated—as my self-perception changes swiftly—so I abandoned the idea of keeping up with it.

Some days I wonder if I should stop writing publicly and just keep a private journal; the variability of the topics is so high that I genuinely doubt this blog is providing actual value to someone else besides me.

Perhaps I should stick to a single topic and try to build an audience. But, honestly, I don't feel enthusiastic about that idea, and I'm not sure if that's due to a lack of discipline or an excess of curiosity.


Succinctness requires thoughtfulness and time.

Focus on delivering the core message, clearly.

Useless ideas should not be there.

Knowledge and skills are necessary to understand what is the core message and how to covey it.

Take the time to know the receiving end. Without such knowledge, you will never know what to say and how to say it.

Use words to the utmost of your ability. Be clear, kind, and honest.

If you can't write succinctly. Throw it away, and start all over again.

Take your time, do not rush.

Convoluted and thoughtless words do more harm than a prolonged silence.

Tags: #writing

Tags: #Software #Writing

Commit messages are important. They provide a good understanding of the past, of the project's history.


In a previous post, I explained the use of this variable called heartbeat.

Heartbeats are found in other places, beyond embedded computers.


Not an avid reader of Haruki Murakami.



I've recently recognized that I am the audience for most of the things I write, or, in a less convoluted way, I mainly write for myself.


Neither wanting to put rubbish out there nor being capable of writing perfectly crafted texts, the only option left is to publish something you consider good enough.

What is good enough, though?


I've seen many abhorrently absurd ads on YouTube, but the worst, by far, comes from one where a lady claims you can start a successful online business selling ebooks on Amazon without having to write a single line.


Self-awareness is useful, it is something I try to develop in my own life. Be more aware of my feelings and emotions, of my body, my surroundings, of the hidden relationships and subtlest interactions between feelings, body, and surroundings.


Now, I need to learn how to use it properly. It is unacceptable to spent so many hours pressing keys, my hands demand learning new dexterities.
