Looking at the other side


We keep changing, intentionally or not.

Since change can't be avoided, it is always better to do it intentionally.


The other day, a dear friend pointed out I talk too much shit.

I think she's correct. I must stop, and figure out a different way to deal with life's frustrations.


Rustic life


I am a self-proclaimed pessimist. People around me says so, and at some point I had to agree.

That bothered me when I was younger, I tried to change and failed every time. At some point, I decided to accept it and try to make this personality trait useful.


Sadness, when embraced fully, is beautiful too.


#Life #Time

This was not written today. As I type these words, I know they will be published, but not when.


Change is a beautiful bitch.

Can't be neither stopped nor manipulated at will. “Free will”, some days I doubt that's real.


#Life #Work

Specifically, to the picturesque city where the Carolus beer is brew.

Technical meetings all day.

A room full of engineers. Eleven engineers, to be precise, ten gentlemen and one lady (to be preciser).

Today's company is the result of a merge of two companies, four years ago. It is like a marriage. It is noticeable the clash of two different world views even today.

Team building happened during dinner with some beers; the most effective way of doing it.

And for the blue part, that was just me.

Specifically, E7: Rose and thorn, 31:20, English translation.

Sadly, you never met Safiye.

She'd turn anything, anything into a game.

She would play against a five-year-old kid, take them to the cleaners, play against a much older man and take all their cash too.

She just loved playing games.

Know what her motto was?

“The winner of the game is the one who made the second-to-last mistake.”

And if you got what you really wanted, you should think twice.

Did they lose the game? Or just a piece?

#Video #Life

The trip to Amsterdam happened in a gray and cold day, freezing cold for the most of it.

Things that had to be done were done. People who had to be visited were visited.