The “end of abundance”

Macron called French citizens to make sacrifices, as he foresees the “end of abundance” in France [1].

It always surprises me how disconnected politicians around the world are from the people they're supposed to serve.

All these leaders calling the population to make sacrifices without making none themselves. Grotesquely corrupted, arrogant and living a live surrounded by a disgusting abundance while the masses struggle to make ends meet. They go around with a fake sense of security provided by the fact that the populace is distracted by cheap entertainment and the most deadly efficient propaganda machinery.

He then added that “the country was at a 'tipping point' and faced a difficult winter and a new era of instability caused by climate change and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine”. And that's the second noteworthy trait of politicians: their lack of originality. All of them, at least in the Western hemisphere, are using the same scapegoat to justify their own mistakes: Russia's invasion of Ukraine and climate change. They're making an estimation error if they think citizens around the world will continue to put up with all their bullshit forever.

Folks' patience, not only in France but in many other countries, are reaching a 'tipping point'. Leaders such as Macron should revisit the history, and the outcome of a series of unfortunate estimation errors of those who preceded him made. Queen Marie Antoinette's fate*, for instance, wasn't particularly nice.


*Maybe, I should've referenced Louis XVI here, but for some strange reason, I thought mentioning the queen was a bit more appropriated.

